I Can't Wear Underwear, It's Christmas Eve!
ok ready ready ready to cuuummmmm also, here's a cute png, don't be too weird lol >.<
In celebration of cyberpunk week, I've jacked up all the neon in my room (2 and a half more days....)
A little late and a little scuffed, but I'm online!!
This turkey day, jelly melly is cram.... jelly... frick idk how to rhyme. I'm cranberry sauce. That's the joke
MEEOOOWWWWWW I have a buttplug >.< Lets hang out:
Don't worry, this isn't just a half butted jojo pose... I'm just touching my boob. And I'm online!!
Day two of double stuffing my oreo Meaning it's a hush/lush day. I'm online and I hope nothing explodes! see you soon
S A L U T A T I O N S back on cb, it felt like ages O.o
Oh no!! I ate too much jell-o and something spooky happened!!! (why am I so sticky?!!!)
My mood when I'm thinkin about the science team
Nothing to see here. No new outfit designed by @LichVtuber today. Nah, that'd be crazy.
Idk if it's just me, but I think my ass looks bigger today (and don't you say otherwise)
how did you find me big step user?! >.<
What's got two thumbs, and a great big throbbing personality? asking for a friend