Gettin online!!!!!
Tech solved!! Going online!!
24 hours offline and I'm feeling lonely. Come say hey!
Holy frick. It's a holiday and I'm so excited to spend it with you oni-chan. You better be there...
Science Team Assemble!!!
exciting day planned! I've got a cool new toy to play around with on cam. I'm excited to be punished... I maaaaaaaay have failed my task on purpose...
I'm gonna try streaming from the bed today Worried about the cum challenge... If I fail TOMORROW WILL BE HELL btw im online:
On in a min. See you in room!!
Lets cam from my mirror today! Going Live!!
Sorry for technical issues! It's still early days... lol. But everything is working and I'm getting onliiineeee!!!
I hope everyone's day is good so far! Ready to get online!!
Hey guys! I'm totally ready and getting online now!!